General terms and conditions for using the Printoteca Marketplace

This document sets out the rights and obligations arising from the use of the Printoteca platform as a Partner.

These Terms and Conditions apply to the use of the following services:


Partner shop

If you want to use any of these services, you must agree the following:


"Products" - Products made available by Printoteca and the Partner in order to be sold to third parties

"Designs" - graphic designs that are put on products

"Commisioned products" - are the products resulting from the products sold by the Print Technology and the designs made available by the Partner.

"The Printoteca Marketplace" is the virtual space where the products from the Printoteca portfolio are put up for sale, customized with the design made available by our partners, for sale to third parties through our sales platform as well as affiliated platforms.

"Partner Store" is a virtual store available on the Printoteca web platform, which can be used as such or can be integrated with one's own site. All partner stores define de Printoteca Marketplace.

"Partner" an user of the platform account with specific rights that allows you to create a Partner Store. A partner that sells on the Marketplace is also named a vendor.

Based on the confirmed sales generated by the Partner Store, the partner receives a commission. A confirmed sale refers to:

A purchase actually made by a third party

A paid purchase that was not returned within 14 days

The requested product was sent to the final customer

The order has not been canceled by our customer in accordance with our legal regulations or our return policy

How do you become a Printoteca Partner?

You must open a partner account. To be able to upload products to the Marketplace and set up a shop, you must complete the registration form in full, send it to us, and agree to the Terms and Conditions. You are a partner as soon as you have your account activated and your design is published on the site. We reserve the right to refuse activation of partner accounts that do not comply with our ethical or professional principles.

You are directly responsible for your partner account, so it is your duty that all the information provided be complete and correct and update them if they change. This specifically includes your personal information, payment data and how remuneration is charged. Tou need to provide a valid e-mail address that we can use to communicate with you. Before submitting the registration form, you must verify the correctness of the information you entered and correct it if necessary. If there are objective reasons for us to belive that the data provided is false or incorrect, we reserve the right to suspend payments until the situation is clarified. Where necessary, some of your data will be made publicly available, for example in the legal information of your Partner Store.

If a partner account does not make any sales for 12 months and no updates of the uploaded graphics appear, we reserve the right to suspend the account activity.

Relationship with the client

Printoteca is fully responsible for the relationship with the client, which means you can concentrate on the creative process.

Specifically, we deal with production, delivery and customer relationship. For this reason, we reserve the right to refuse orders that violate our technical requirements and our organizational policy or if we suspect that certain orders are in breach of legal provisions in force.

Your Partner Account

We store in your account the data and content provided by you and the settings you have chosen for your Partner Store and Marketplace. You can view all this information by accessing your partner account.

In your partner account, you can view the progress of your sales and commissions.

Do not give other people access to your partner account. If you suspect a foreign person might have access to your account, please let us know as soon as possible to change your access settings. We will keep you up to date with a newsletter dedicated exclusively to partners, from which you can unsubscribe at any time (but you will continue to receive strict contractual information).

The partner may be a person or a company.

You can not transfer your partner account or benefits to another entity.

Content from your partner account

The content you upload on the Print Server website: product designs, texts, logos etc. are entirely your property and you are responsible for them. If we suspect that they are violating the law or harming a third party, we reserve the right to block the payment of the commissions until the situation is clarified, remove the content from the site or offer information to third parties (including authorities) regarding the way the content you provided has been used (moment of upload, file information, product distribution, sales channels etc.). If it is proved that the law has been broken, you are directly responsable for any prejudices you have caused to Printoteca and any other harmed party.

Printoteca does not have ownership of your content and is not allowed to sell products containing your design other than under the terms of this agreement.

The Printoteca Marketplace

The Printoteca Marketplace is an online space for the creative community in order to promote and sell products from the Printoteca portfolio printed with graphics provided by designers. In the Marketplace, each artist has the opportunity to create his own virtual store free of charge, which he can customize within the limits allowed by the platform.

The general public has access to both the Marketplace as a whole and the partners' individual shops. For your designs to be easy to find in the marketplace, please make the simple and clear descriptions for them.

Designs uploaded by you to Marketplace can be used by the Printoteca in promotion campaigns of the sales channels (including campaigns with products offered free of charge), but we have no obligation to promote them.

We have the right to stop publishing graphics or descriptive texts on certain sales channels or removing them from the platform if we suspect that their sale is harmful to any third party.

Your partner's commission

Designs uploaded by you on products generate a new sales price for them, which includes your commission. When you have a confirmed sale made for one of your products on the platform, you will see in your partner account the amount of commission you have to cash in. It is calculated using the formula: final cost of sales (without VAT) - cost of production (equivalent to the cost of products available in the configuration store produced without VAT).

If we ship to countries with another VAT regime, small price changes and, implicitly, commissions changes may occur.

Within 15 days from the end of the previous month and if the amount of the commission to be received reaches the minimum ammount(100 lei / 20 euros), the commission for the sales completed in the previous month will be transferred to the indicated account. The payment will be made either in a lei account or in a euro account open on behalf of the Partner. If the payment data provided is incorrect, you will incur any cost generated by the wrong bank transfer.

If the partner's status permits invoices to be issued, the commission will be paid after the partner's invoice was issued between 1 and 15 days, corresponding to the sales commission completed in the previous month. In this situation, there is no minimum payment threshold.

Payments for External Partners will be in accordance with the Romanian tax legislation. External partners will be charged the the price without VAT, as long as they have a valid VAT code.

The commission can be converted into credit for making purchases on the site if the Partner imakes an express request to do so.

Duration of the contract

This contract is valid for an indefinite period and may be unilaterally interrupted at any time. Closing the partner account is equivalent to the conclusion of the contract. At the time of the conclusion of the contract, any unpaid amount between the parties will be paid within 60 days at most.

Final provisions

This contract can only be modified from the very new functionalities that will be developed on the Prtoteca site, without reducing the amount of commission to be credited to the time of the change. Any change in the terms of the contract will be announced by e-mail, the Partner having the option of terminating the contract at any time.