Promoting Business on TikTok - Interview with Beatrice Mustea

Promoting Business on TikTok - Interview with Beatrice Mustea

Beatrice Mustea is a digital marketing professional and the founder of the agency MustMake, specializing in promoting on the TikTok network. She is a graduate of the University of Art and Design in Cluj, with a specialization in photography and videography, and has a professional background in graphic design, branding, and product photography.

Alongside Betty, we discovered the TikTok universe and grew the Printoteca brand. That's why we know for sure that when we have questions about growing a textile brand on this platform, she is the one we should turn to.

In the local social media context in Romania, how do you think TikTok positions itself as a marketing tool compared to other popular platforms like Facebook and Instagram, and what are its distinct advantages in promoting products and services?

TikTok's popularity stems from people's need for more authenticity. Many have grown tired of the fake or exaggerated perfection found on Instagram. People expect transparency from brands.

TikTok provides a platform for the most powerful form of community building—­storytelling. Through video, you can bring much more value to your audience and communicate more efficiently with them. Therefore, you can create parasocial relationships with people who matter to you, your audience. I encourage creating video content that can be posted on other social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram Reels as well.

How should a seller of printed textiles on TikTok start? What are the first steps you recommend?

I think the most important factor in creating content is understanding your audience and their pain points. Once you have a clear strategy oriented towards a well-defined audience, knowing their challenges and the solutions you can offer, it becomes much easier to generate valuable content ideas. This way, you are constantly communicating and building the brand awareness you desire.

The second important detail is the differentiating factor, which should be specific and unique. This helps you stand out among your competitors in the market.

What are the main advantages of using TikTok to promote printed textiles compared to other social media platforms?

One of the biggest advantages of using TikTok to promote printed textiles is the potential to reach hundreds of thousands of views without having many followers. TikTok's algorithm encourages good content.

Another advantage (although it may serve as a disadvantage for some) is that TikTok shows your videos to people who are geographically close to you. If they interact with your videos, they will be shown to more and more people. This is certainly an advantage for local businesses.

On TikTok, you can speak in a more relaxed manner, without feeling the pressure of perfectionism; you can talk about the quality of textiles, show behind-the-scenes processes that are less glamorous, and be much more authentic.

What advice and recommendations do you have for those who want to start using TikTok to promote their printed textiles online but are not familiar with the platform or digital marketing in general?

The first advice would be to START. Our minds, out of the need to protect ourselves, may sometimes prevent us from stepping out of our comfort zone. Creating video content and speaking in front of the camera is a challenging step for many. If you want consistent results, you need to do it.

The second step would be to put yourself in the shoes of your target customer. Set aside your preferences and focus on showcasing what your target customer wants to see. With a well-structured strategy, it's much easier to get started. You're no longer confused; you know what needs to be done. If you need help creating a functional and clear strategy for your business, consider seeking 1:1 mentoring from MustMake. We will guide you in your online promotion journey and content creation.

The third step is to research what your competitors are doing. Sometimes, there's no need to reinvent the wheel if it's already working. However, it's not okay to steal content ideas or their strategy. Your goal is to stand out.

What does a TikTok promotion agency do? What criteria should you consider when choosing to collaborate with an agency?

A TikTok promotion agency conducts extensive research on the client's niche and then creates a coherent strategy. Based on the strategy, they create relevant video content for the target audience. The difference between a single specialist and an agency lies in the team; three creative minds are always better than one. The criteria to consider include:

  • Having a good reputation and a track record of delivering results to previous clients.
  • Knowing how to ask you the most relevant questions to have a clear direction over the content.
  • Being attentive to the brand messages to avoid any harm.
  • Being proactive.

What type of content do you recommend for a printed textile business? What type of content do you not recommend?

People come to TikTok to relax. Therefore, any content, even if technical, educational, or informative, should first and foremost be short, structured, and easy to digest. Entertainment content attracts views but potentially fewer followers. So, it's important to create a balance between educational and entertaining content. I do not recommend aesthetic content on TikTok—content that doesn't convey any message or add any value to the target audience or the brand. It's a waste of time and financial resources. I also do not recommend content with high viral potential that is not connected to the brand or its values. You'll attract an irrelevant audience, and your organic views will drop significantly.

What measures and analysis tools should a brand use to evaluate the effectiveness of their TikTok promotion campaigns?

The most accessible tool is the analytics within the TikTok app itself. The most relevant factor is watch time (how long a user spent watching your video). The better your watch time, the better your video will perform. Following that, saves and shares are crucial. Hence, ensure your videos are relatable (shareable) and valuable (saveable) to the audience.

If you were to create your own printed textile brand, what would you name it, and how would you promote it?

If I were to have my own printed textile brand, I think I would name it Must Make T-shirts. Shocking, right? :D 

I would talk a lot about the print creation process in the most entertaining way possible, following a formula I have developed and seen work. I would discuss the source of the textiles because I would prefer to have the same sustainable textile supplier with relevant certifications as Printoteca. I would start by targeting a smaller audience with more specific interests and then gradually expand the niche. I would create content that is highly relevant to the selected audience.

Posted in Print Academy and tagged tiktok, interview, promoting, marketing on